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Firing a gun is a good skill to larn, not only for self defense, but also for competitions or hunting. If y'all've never fired a gun before, they tin can seem intimidating -- and for good reason: they're heavy, difficult to dispense, and unsafe. However, by learning basic gun operation procedures and safety measures, shooting can get a very manageable and even fun process.

  1. 1

    Treat every firearm as if it were loaded. There are no exceptions to this rule, not even for empty guns. Information technology is very easy even for professional marksmen to forget whether or not a gun is ready to burn down, and the consequences tin be extremely serious or even deadly.

  2. 2

    Never point your gun at annihilation you practice non want to shoot. Exercise non point your gun at your friends, a part of your body, a household pet, the walls of your home, or at your Tv set, even if you think information technology's unloaded.[i]


  3. 3

    Practise not identify your trigger finger on the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot. The trigger can be activated with relatively piddling pressure level. Train yourself to keep your finger straight and off the trigger every time y'all choice up a gun and at all times when y'all are holding it and not shooting it.[2]

  4. 4

    Keep the condom on until you are fix to shoot. The safety keeps the gun from accidentally discharging and tin can help proceed y'all safe while handling your gun. Only turn the prophylactic off when yous're prepare to shoot.[three]

    • Zippo is perfect, so fifty-fifty with the safety on, retrieve to still treat your firearm like it's loaded and dangerous! The safety is an added safe measure, not a guarantee.
  5. 5

    Unload your gun whenever you lot're non using it. It's piece of cake to forget if your gun is loaded or not, or to forget to remove a chambered round. Always ensure your gun is fully emptied earlier leaving the shooting range. Double cheque if necessary. [four]

  6. 6

    Do not leave your gun lying effectually for others to pick upward. Owning a gun ways owning the responsibility that comes forth with information technology. Make certain yous know where your gun is at all times, and don't leave information technology in places where others can pick information technology up, accidentally or on purpose. When you're finished with your gun, remove all of the ammunition before putting it down. Put your gun away in a gun case or safe.[5]

    • Use a gun prophylactic to store your gun and all of your ammunition. This is especially relevant if you have children in the house and demand to ensure they can't admission the gun without supervision.
    • Ensure your gun is fully empty by removing the mag and making sure there isn't a bullet in the chamber.
  7. 7

    Look to see what's beyond your target earlier shooting. Bullets go through things and missed shots become effectually things, so make sure at that place is nothing that you lot can injure, harm, or ruin behind your target. Never shoot your gun if there is someone else on the range. If you're shooting somewhere other than a shooting range and there's the potential for danger behind your target, find a different location earlier shooting.


  1. one

    Choose the right size ammunition for your gun. If you need help choosing the right armament for your gun, ask your local gun store. Generally, guns and ammunition are labeled with the same numbers (for example, a .22 gun will fire .22 ammunition) but in that location are exceptions, details, and variations to the rule. Until you're comfortable figuring out which ammunition is right for your gun past yourself, consult a professional person.

  2. ii

    Choose training ammunition for target practice. Target armament usually features a full metal jacket (FMJ) projectile. These bullets are made with a soft lead cadre encased in a harder metal crush. They're cheaper to buy considering they're easier to make, which makes them perfect for practice shooting.[vi]

  3. three

    Choose hunting ammunition for hunting trips. When hunting, y'all want to buy ammunition that quickly and humanely brings down your target. The all-time hunting bullets can penetrate thick os and musculus and aggrandize, lodging in place. Err on the side of more than power in lodge to guarantee yous're killing your prey humanely.[7]

    • Never use FMJ bullets for hunting, as they volition probably penetrate the animal and get out information technology severely wounded instead of killing information technology humanely.
  4. 4

    Clean and maintain your gun before shooting. Even if you lot are shooting a weapon you already ain, information technology's a good practise to check information technology over and perform any necessary preventative maintenance and care services earlier you shoot. If you are unsure about whether your gun is clean and safe to fire, consult a professional gunsmith. Do not load your gun if y'all're non sure information technology'southward prophylactic.

    • If you lot're a new gun possessor, y'all should be aware that manufacturers often pack weapons with grease or cosmoline that is meant to be removed before use. Some new weapons may non function well or at all if they are shot before existence cleaned.
  5. 5

    Buy safe equipment before shooting. At minimum, you lot will need ear and eye protection. Fifty-fifty small-caliber guns are easily loud enough to permanently damage your hearing, and all guns tin throw off unexpected power that tin can fly into your eyes and cause serious injury.[eight]

    • In that location are a variety of ear protectors available, from simple inexpensive cream earplugs to expensive "agile" hearing protection that help you lot hear normally while nevertheless damping gunshot noises.
    • At that place are many popular styles of shooting spectacles that y'all can option from. Additionally, shooting ranges will often have eye protection that you can borrow or rent.


  1. ane

    Brand certain you keep the butt pointed in a safe management. Call up to never point your gun at anything you don't intend to shoot. Always exist aware of the direction your gun is pointed.

  2. 2

    Eject the mag from your handgun. Depending on what type of gun you have, there should be a button along the side of the gun that lets you eject the mag.[nine]

  3. 3

    Remove any additional rounds from the chamber. Check that there isn't a round loaded in the bedroom. Your gun may have opened its "slide" to demonstrate that it's empty. If not, pull back the rack to reveal the sleeping room. Visually bank check to brand sure that the chamber is empty.[10]

  4. four

    Hold the magazine in your non-ascendant mitt. The magazine slopes slightly upwards, and the back part (the part that faces down) should be positioned against your palm between your thumb and alphabetize finger.[eleven]

  5. v

    Insert 1 bullet. Insert the rounds past sliding the rear end of the ammunition (the end that's not pointy) into the top of the mag. Halfway through sliding the bullet in, you lot volition feel some resistance. Button downward to engage the spring-loaded plate, then slide the bullet all the mode in.[12]

  6. 6

    Fill and re-insert the mag. Go along inserting bullets one past one until yous can't push the spring-loaded plate downwardly. Ensure the superlative bullet is firmly engaged. Re-insert the magazine into the gun by pushing up until you hear a click.


  1. 1

    Grip the gun with your dominant paw. Wrap your middle, ring, and pinky finger around the handle, and remainder information technology comfortably in your palm.[13]

  2. 2

    Support the gun with your not-dominant hand. Press your non-ascendant hand so that it covers the portion of the grip that'due south uncovered past your dominant hand. Put your alphabetize, middle, band, and pinky fingers nether the trigger guard, around your dominant hand.[14]

  3. 3

    Concord the gun tightly. Remember that you're well-nigh to fire a small explosion, and all guns take at least some boot to them. Hold the gun tighter than you lot think you should, but avoid belongings it in a "death grip."[15]

  4. 4

    Stand with your anxiety shoulder width autonomously and your knees slightly bent. Find a position that is comfortable for yous. Make certain y'all don't stand with your anxiety too close together, equally the gun'due south kick could send you flying backwards and injure you lot.[xvi]

  5. 5

    Extend your arms and lean forward. Your arms should be extended straight in front end of you, simply not locked. Bend your elbows slightly and go on your shoulders foursquare to the target. Lean forward slightly to apply your weight to counteract the gun's kick.[17]

  6. six

    Align the sights. Your average handgun has ii sights, more commonly known as the front sight post and the rear sight notch. Aim your gun so that the top of the rear and front sights are on the same level. That tells yous where the bullet will go.[18]

  7. 7

    Squeeze the trigger. Pull the trigger straight back, without moving it side-to-side. Pull in a smoothen, continuous motion until the gun fires.[19]

    • If y'all're having problem, try employing a mantra like "slooooooow" or "squeeeeeeeze."


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  • Read your weapon's manual before handling. Every gun is slightly unlike, and the manual is your best bet for learning the ins and outs of how your gun works.

  • Practice good range etiquette. Always be conscientious not to endanger your boyfriend shooters at the range.

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  • Always wear hearing protection when operating a firearm.

  • Practice not openly carry a gun in public unless you are hunting, you live in an expanse where "open behave" laws are legal, or if you are licensed to openly carry a firearm.

  • When you are washed shooting, wash your hands and face before you lot eat or touch your face. This is to ensure that you exercise not ingest or absorb pb particles from bullets, also equally the chemicals produced by burning pulverisation that are on your hands and confront later shooting.

  • In a vast bulk of states, it is illegal to bear a firearm curtained without a license. The ease of obtaining a license that will allow concealed acquit of a firearm will vary from state to state.



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  • Richard Ochieng

    Richard Ochieng

    Aug 24, 2022

    "The entire process helped me, particularly the dominion that stated to never point your gun at something you don't want..." more

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